Complaints Policy, Procedures and Practice
Home > Policies and Procedures > Complaints Procedure
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction concerning All Spring Media’s products or services. We take all complaints extremely seriously and staff are trained and committed to rectify any problem as soon as it is brought to our attention.
We ask that if you are dissatisfied with the service you have received that you bring this to our attention as soon as possible by speaking to your course tutor or assessor in the first instance.
Should this fail to provide you with a satisfactory resolution, or you feel it is inappropriate to address your complaint to the tutor or assessor then please contact the Quality Manager, Claire Ellis, via one of the following options
Write to: Claire Ellis
All Spring Media
Old Drill Hall
Bellingdon Road
Call: 01494 774162
When you contact us, please give us your full name, contact details, and include a daytime telephone number along with:
– A full description of your complaint (including the subject matter and dates/times if known);
– Any names of the people you have dealt with so far; and
– Copies of any papers or letters to do with the complaint.
Once the complaint has been received, the following action will be taken:
1. The Quality Manager, Claire Ellis, will be responsible for raising and tracking the complaint.
2. If the complaint is against an individual member of staff the Quality Manager will request a report from that member of staff and/or may ask an uninvolved staff member to investigate.
3. If deemed necessary, on receipt of the complaint, the Quality Manager will write an initial letter to the complainant, acknowledging receipt and promising to write later when the requested reports have been received. If, however, the Quality Manager has the necessary information, a full reply may be made at this point. In any event, written acknowledgement of the complaint will be issued within 5 working days of receipt.
4. Once reports are received and investigations completed, the Quality Manager may call a meeting of selected staff or may consult with another senior manager to decide on a course of action. The resulting decision may require further investigations to be made.
5. When all reasonable action has been taken to arrive at the facts of the complaint, the Quality Manager will send a written reply to the complainant, explaining the facts that have been established and the action All Spring Media intends to take, if any.
6. Where a complaint is substantiated, and All Spring Media can take action to avoid a reoccurrence, that action will be taken, and the effect will be reviewed at a reasonable interval thereafter.
7. The completed complaint with all accompanying documents attached will be filed in the ‘Complaints File’ which will be secured in the office.
8. All Spring Media would hope to have resolved any complaint by this stage, but if the complainant is still not satisfied with the response they receive, they can contact All Spring Media’s Director, Martina Porter, at the above address. They should include any further items for consideration and state clearly why they remain unhappy with the decision taken so far. The Director will investigate in full and will respond within 5 working days. The decision taken at this stage is final, unless the Director decides it is appropriate to seek external assistance with resolution.
Signed: Martina Porter, Director of All Spring Media
Date updated: 1st June 2023
Review: June 2024