Peter Block
Advisory Panel Chair and Business Advisor to All Spring Media
Peter began his career in broadcasting as a sound and studio production engineer. He then set up three production companies specialising in location recording, computer graphics and post-production.
His association with media production education is a longstanding one. He established and managed the BA in Media Production at West Herts College. Later he developed the MA degree in Media Management at the University of Hertfordshire. His book Managing in the Media was written to support these programmes. From 2014 till 2019 he led the international MA in media management for the University of Westminster in the UK and at the Communication University of China in Beijing. In 2018 he was awarded a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA). In May 2020 he gained his PhD by research into the UK skills policy and career development in the creative industries
For five years he was the Chief Executive Officer of the Broadcast Equality & Training Regulator (BETR) an independent agency for Ofcom. The BETR reviewed and validated training and education programmes across the sector. His media industry consulting is wide ranging. He was a researcher for the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity based at Birmingham City University. In 2012 he completed a research project into mental health for the Film and TV Charity.